Nimble Quest is a different kind of skill and roleplay game that combines the classic snake gameplay with some classic roleplay elements, such as the ability to use characters from different classes like warriors or mages.
The gameplay is simple: your hero moves in straight lines around a closed arena where you are joined by enemies that move in a similar way. As you kill them, they will release coins you can use to buy upgrades, such as new companions who will join your 'tail' to help you in the game.
Depending on the hero you choose, you will be able to use a particular type of attack. That is, if you use the archer, you can only attack from a distance, but can kill enemies more easily. However, a warrior needs to be closer in order to kill enemies but will endure more damage. Of course, if you collide with a wall or with your enemies, it will be game over for sure.
As you move through the levels, which get progressively more complicated, you can buy different upgrades for your hero. This is done with gems that the enemies and chests occasionally release.
Graphically, Nimble Quest is nothing special, but its pixelated retro style makes it a delight to play. Lovers of 16 bit games will find the graphical style particularly appealing, as it looks like something straight out of Super Nintendo .
Nimble Quest is a fun puzzle game, and the roleplay features bring a real breath of fresh air to a tried and tested formula, the snake, which has gone unchanged for years. This game is a real vice, which when it gets hold of you is very difficult to escape from - and get hold of you it will!
This game is SOO GOOD. Simple but entertaining. You can still play it